On Friday morning two visitors came into our rooms and started to entertain us with a play about family problems and how to deal with them. The characters were Dave, T, Maria, Becca and Brian.
The play was about T. who had lots of drama in his life. He was 12 years old when his parents Maria and Dave began to argue a lot and then separated. T's. best friend was Jack who always tried his best to help him out with his problem.
Rooms 11 and 12 had to make a group so that we can make our own role play and actions that showed what had happened in the story so far.
In my group were Min Zin, Henry, Mika, Jack, Azahar and Lupe. Our action was Brain moving in to Maria's place. At the end of that entertainment we were given a small blue card and a badge that said, " Game Master."
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