
Thursday, 26 October 2017

✈ An Adventure To Melbourne ✈

When the two weeks of holiday started all I could think of was going to Melbourne. Me and my sister (Ruth) quickly dashed to the car because we were a few minutes late. As we arrived at the airport we cautiously placed our luggage on the trolley because there were fragile items in there.

Later on we weighed the bags, waited patiently in line to check in and lastly filled the form. As me and my sister were walking through the gateway we said our farewells. 30 minutes later we were on a giant plane, I looked out of the clear window and all I could see were clouds.

I deiced to fall asleep so that I could have more energy to move. As we landed we quickly grabbed our luggage and headed out of the airport.  I was so exited to explore Melbourne.        

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